How to evaluate professional growth at a distance?

professional growth | Gamefic

We are currently experiencing an increase in the demand for work in the home office model. With the growth of this new type of work, many companies have faced the difficulty of managing their employees.

After all, how to guarantee deliveries and deadlines? What is the best way to carry out online communication? How to apply the company’s culture to associates, even at a distance?

These are some of the challenges that managers have faced in recent months. In addition to all of these issues, there is another new challenge, which is to promote the professional growth of employees and evaluate them with assertive parameters and metrics.

In order not to harm the career plan of employees, it is necessary to use technology so that managers are able to prepare themselves to better evaluate the work and results of their team.

Tools such as Gamefic – a management platform based on the concept of gamification to promote greater team involvement and participation – allow managers to monitor their team’s productivity in real time, with reports and machine learning technology and artificial intelligence capable of providing a boost in your results.

This is a new model of remote team management, capable of presenting a broad and complete vision of the team’s performance, while increasing engagement and stimulating productivity.

Online Communication

Gamefic’s management tool also has a communication channel where it is possible to post, comment, like and share content. An information channel that keeps everyone updated on what happens in the company and encourages participation and engagement among employees.

In addition, its playful and interactive interface allows instant feedback allowing leaders and all employees to be always in tune.

Gamefic and professional growth

As a tool based on the principle of gamification, the user is challenged to fulfill tasks that promote professional growth. Through an interactive interface, it is possible to propose training and collect data about employees in real time. In this way, it is easier for the manager to organize a cohesive and more integrated team, making better use of the key qualities of each member. Developing talent has never been so easier!

Want to know more? Visit Gamefic.

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