Strategic leadership: solutions for high doses of stress

Liderança estratégica | Gamefic

Managing teams that are always dealing with high levels of pressure and stress is a challenge. Sales teams, for example, have goals, which are sometimes difficult to achieve. Betting on managers who use strategic leadership is an asset capable of inspiring employees to achieve their goals. Do you want to know how to do this? Check out the characteristics of strategic leadership and how to mitigate the effects of stress in teams that deal with high doses of pressure.

What is strategic leadership?

Strategic leadership consists on the performance of leaders who promote autonomy for employees by allowing them to make daily decisions by adhering to a strong corporate culture, reflecting positively on the customer’s consumption experience.

Strategic leadership is the union of the two types of traditional leadership: managerial and visionary. Its difference is noted, mainly, in the results obtained in the customer’s consumption experience. Consequently, the company is able to sell more.

A strategic leader must possess and develop these characteristics:

  • Emphasize the value and ethical behavior of everyone on the team;
  • Have high and optimistic expectations regarding the performance of superiors, subordinates and themselves;
  • Recognize the ideas given by the team;
  • Seeking to separate what is relevant from what is not, as well as knowing what to do with useful information;
  • Anticipate situations to avoid surprises;
  • Test hypotheses before taking on projects and always look for the best way to reduce risks;
  • Learn from all actions, especially those that were not so successful.

But after all, how to engage and inspire your team?

A strategic and engaged leader makes all the difference in achieving your team’s goals. That’s because inspired people are twice as productive as those who are just satisfied.

There are several ways to engage your team. One is through gamification. People management platforms that are based on gamification have shown a good result to motivate and engage employees.

This is because, when we pose a challenge to be met, in a playful way, reaching the goals until reaching the final reward, it is possible to ease the pressure to deliver results. The user experience of the gamified platform is, in a way, more pleasurable. It is possible to promote healthy competition between teams or between the employees themselves and, at the same time, collect data and information on individual and / or group performance in real time.

Gamefic can help to develop strategic leadership.

Gamification and strategic leadership

O gestor consegue acompanhar o desenvolvimento e performance do seu time em tempo real. Além disso, a plataforma conta com a tecnologia do machine learning, que colhe informações importantes sobre o seu negócio como um todo, tornando-se capaz de mapear os perfis dos usuários, a fim de auxiliar gestores em suas tomadas de decisão. 

O próprio sistema consegue colocar os dados em uso de forma inteligente através de previsões e recomendações automáticas e personalizadas, a fim de auxiliar na tomada de decisões dos gestores, impulsionando, dessa forma, seus resultados. Com os dados que o sistema fornece, o gestor consegue perceber possíveis situações de melhoria, analisando-as sob diversas perspectivas, e então fazer os ajustes estratégicos. 

A liderança estratégica aliada a ferramentas de gestão, como a Gamefic, consegue orientar a realidade das empresas para os resultados, em que os funcionários tomam decisões proativas e atuam de forma a promover a sustentabilidade financeira atual da empresa.

Teste grátis e descubra como a Gamefic pode ajudar a gestão da sua empresa e seu time alcançar bons resultados lidando melhor com as altas doses de estresse.

The manager can monitor the development and performance of the team in real time. In addition, the platform relies on machine learning technology, which collects important information about your business as a whole, making it possible to map user profiles in order to assist managers in decision making.

The system organizes in order the data collected with Machine Learning intelligently through automatic and personalized predictions and recommendations.  This way you can use information to boost your results.

Strategic leadership combined with management tools, such as Gamefic, are able to guide the reality of companies towards great results, in which employees make proactive decisions and act in ways that promote the company’s current financial sustainability.

Try it for free and find out how Gamefic can help the management of your company and your team achieve good results by better dealing with high doses of stress.

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